A Conscious Studio Led By Love

SOLA is a boutique creative studio based in Trinidad and Tobago working worldwide to exclusively to empower nonprofits, heart-led leaders and conscious brands to take social action, and catalyze planetary transformation through heart-centered design and story.

We work across leadership, strategy, digital, arts and culture, fostering and executing consciously creative solutions that enable communities of radical love, and amplifying their capacity to operate from a new holistic paradigm of interconnection, unity and interdependence on a local and global scale.

With over fifteen years of collective experience in the humanitarian and transformation design sectors we possess a unique understanding of the communicative approach needed to inform, inspire, and influence.

Transformative action lies at the heart of our work which is fueled by the belief that radical love and conscious living can engender sustainable solutions for people and the planet.

Our intention lies in guiding people on a journey towards a higher purpose and becoming architects of a new humanity.

We aspire to create a global shift towards planetary consciousness through our work, cultivating peaceful coexistence with ourselves, each other, and the earth.
Our partners are the heart-led leaders, nonprofits and conscious brands that are changing the world.

At our conscious design studio, we serve soulful visionaries seeking heart-centered, purpose-driven brand experiences.

We offer authentic and mindful design solutions that ignite emotions and elevate consciousness. By infusing creativity with conscious intention, we help you create a soul-aligned brand that resonates deeply with your audience and leaves a positive impact on the world.

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Why We Are Different

Niche Focus

At SOLA, we’ve intentionally crafted our journey to align exclusively with non-profits, conscious brands, and heart-led leaders who resonate with our core values. This dedicated path allows us to deeply connect with the distinct challenges and aspirations these organizations encounter.

Our services are not just tailored; they are soulfully sculpted to meet their unique needs, ensuring that every project we undertake is imbued with understanding, care, and a commitment to making a meaningful difference.

Expertise in Transformation Design

Our journey in designing for social change, spanning over 15 years, has finely tuned our expertise in transformation design. At SOLA, we believe design is more than just an aesthetic experience; it’s a powerful catalyst for positive change.

We craft designs that transcend mere visual appeal, imbuing them with the power to inspire and drive meaningful behavioral transformation. Our creations are not just visually striking, but they also resonate deeply, sparking influence and fostering positive change in communities and people alike.

Purpose-Driven Work

At the heart of SOLA’s mission lies a profound commitment to engendering planetary consciousness. We envision a world where communities are bound together by love and a shared commitment to the well-being of our planet. Our work is more than design; it’s a catalyst for creating a new era of humanity, one that thrives on compassion, understanding, and mutual respect. We hold a steadfast belief in the transformative power of design as a tool for good, a medium through which we can impart positive change. In every project, every collaboration, we channel our talents and passion towards this purpose, striving to leave a lasting imprint on the world.

Boutique Approach

As a full-scale boutique creative studio, every project is an intimate journey of collaboration and personalization. We are committed to understanding the unique stories, aspirations, and values of our partners. This deep connection allows us to tailor our creative process specifically to their needs, ensuring that the final outcome not only resonates with their vision but also embodies their core values.

Our approach is not just about providing services; it’s about building authentic relationships and crafting experiences that are as unique as the individuals and organizations we work with. We walk alongside our partners every step of the way, co-creating their projects with the care, attention, and heart-led creative approach that define the SOLA experience.

Intentional Design Process

We embrace a philosophy where design transcends mere aesthetics; it’s about crafting solutions that resonate deeply, function effectively, and sustainably impact. Our approach is rooted in rigorous research and creative exploration, seeking out solutions that are not only visually striking but also profoundly meaningful and enduring.

As we navigate through this process, we engage in a continuous cycle of testing and refining, shaping ideas into tangible realities that align with our partners’ goals. This journey of co-creation is not just about reaching a final design; it’s about embodying a vision that uplifts, inspires, and stands the test of time. Through this intentional and thoughtful approach, we craft designs that are more than just visually appealing – they are a harmonious blend of form, function, and heartfelt purpose.

Co-creation is our Powerhouse

We believe in the transformative power of collaboration. Our creative powerhouse is fueled by an ecosystem of co-creation, bringing together a diverse ensemble of exceptional talents. Each member of our team is carefully selected for their unique brilliance, mastery in design, and extraordinary artistry.

Their skills are not just tools but extensions of their core purpose, contributing to the philosophy, expression and innovation that defines our work. Together, we transform ideas into reality, blending diverse perspectives and skills to create something truly remarkable.

Free Social Media Style Guide Template

Elevate your digital narrative with our Social Media Style Guide Template. Specially designed for heart-led brands, it’s a tool to harmonize your visual and textual expressions, ensuring consistency and authenticity across all platforms. This guide serves as your creative ally, helping you to maintain a cohesive and impactful digital identity that truly reflects the essence of your brand.

Co-FOUNDER / Project Director

Sádé Budhlall

I’m a cultivator of transformative projects and a guide for heart-led creative journeys at SOLA. While my expertise lies in managing projects from inception to completion, my true passion extends far beyond timelines and budgets.

I believe that the essence of impactful work lies in its alignment with our deepest values and intentions. This belief shapes my approach to every project, ensuring that our creative endeavors not only meet our studio’s high standards but resonate deeply with our community and the planet.

My role involves more than just project management; but engendering meaningful connections and conscious practices. I use heart-led leadership to foster organizational happiness and guide our team in creating work that truly matters.

I Guide

Heart-led leaders and conscious brands through the journey of transformational growth, aligning their vision with the soulful ethos of radical love and conscious living.

I Inspire

A community of change-makers by weaving compelling narratives that resonate deeply, fostering a culture of empathy, creativity, and strategic innovation.

I Co-create

Spaces, tools and resources that nurture holistic development and empowerment, utilizing my passion for creative visualization, social impact design, and strategic thinking to catalyze meaningful change.

Co-FOUNDER / Creative Director

Jerel Ramsey

My world revolves around igniting the spark of creativity within our team and steering our creative ship towards uncharted, yet deeply fulfilling territories.

I believe that the heart of creative leadership is not just about guiding a team, but about nurturing an environment where innovative ideas flourish. This belief is the cornerstone of my approach, ensuring that every concept we develop resonates with our mission and values. It’s about creating a space where inspiration meets purpose, and where our collective creativity aligns with the transformative goals of our partners.

My role involves being both a mentor and a co-creator, fostering a culture where our team feels supported and empowered to push boundaries. In this ever-evolving creative landscape, I’m committed to keeping SOLA at the forefront, where our work is not just seen but felt, where it connects, inspires, and leads to meaningful action.

I Design

Experiences that transcend the ordinary, crafting visual stories that connect deeply, resonate emotionally, and elevate the essence of every brand.

I Transmute

Abstract ideas into tangible realities, blending artistry with strategy to transform visions into impactful, heart-centered creations.

I Lead

With heart and a spirit of exploration and discovery, fostering spaces where creativity flourishes and every co-creator feels empowered to contribute their unique genius.

Chief Disruptor

Sola Bean

Sola is not your ordinary feline; he is a whiskered wonder who brings a unique blend of charm, mischief, and unexpected insights to our daily operations.

With his curious nature and playful antics, Sola keeps us on our toes, reminding us that true creativity is about embracing the unexpected and finding joy in the little disruptions that life brings. Whether he’s leaping into the frame during a brainstorming call or casually strolling across the keyboard during a strategy meeting, Sola embodies our belief in a workspace that’s lively, fun, and a little unconventional. He teaches us the importance of adaptability, spontaneity, and taking breaks to indulge in life’s simpler pleasures. He’s a vital part of our team, inspiring us to view the world through a different lens – one that’s filled with wonder, playfulness, and creativity.

I Eat

Meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow – meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

I Sleep

Meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow – meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

I Eat Again

Meow meow, meow meow meow, meow meow meow-meow, meow meow meow – meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

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